Random and Unintended Legal Consequences Blog
Providing hindsight and after the fact analysis you can't find anywhere elseAutomatic Stay | District of Arizona & 9th Circuit Grants Debtors Attorney Fees Once Again
The pressure of managing debt in any of its forms brings about enormous amounts of stress. Once you file for bankruptcy, for most debtors, the telephone calls and lawsuits from creditors should stop. But if they don't stop, there is a good chance that a creditor is...
Lessons Learned From Celebrity Divorce
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are currently having the unsavory experience of having their divorce and the details surrounding it exposed to the public eye. Obviously this comes with the territory of being celebrities, and the tabloids and are eating it all up and...
Franco v. U.S. Trustee | A Lesson in Self Destruction
Over the years, I have donated hours to helping people fill out their bankruptcy paperwork. I have spoken to a lot of people about the process after filing without an attorney. People file bankruptcy without assistance for any number of reasons. I understand it may...
The LDS Church’s Same Sex Position and Risk of Losing Benefits
The LDS Church’s Position Taken in the U.S. Supreme Court Same Sex Marriage Case And Risk Of Losing Government Benefits In my original blog post, I said I would provide a basis for my positions. This is one of a few smaller form posts addressing the different issues....
What Would I Do If I Was a LDS Church Attorney?
After posting my explanation regarding the issues involved in the new LDS Church same-sex policy, my cousin asked me what I would have done. My Response On a purely hypothetical basis, if I somehow ended up in a room with decision-makers on the same sex policy, this...
Hope for A Note Left In A Home
Hope For Those Who Are Considering Writing Their Own Note Here is a link to a thread on reddit.com: Note left at foreclosed home. (WARNING: this website has harsh and potentially offensive language including unnecessary sexual references.) Over the last few weeks, I...